How to Reschedule an Interview [And Get Them to Say Yes]
Trying to juggle life, work, job searching, and the rest of everything the world throws at us is a tall order some days. And sometimes, that means we have to decide on priorities and reschedule activities - including job interviews.
Rescheduling an interview can be nerve-wracking in the best of job markets, and downright crushing in the worst of economies knowing that your chances may slip away.
Today, I’m going to cover when it’s usually considered acceptable to reschedule a job interview, and how to do it in a way that increases your chances of the other party agreeing to reschedule and causes minimal negative impact on your prospects as a candidate.
Is it Bad to Reschedule an Interview?
I’m not going to debate whether it’s right or wrong. The answer to that question will depend on who you’re talking to and their personal experiences. Instead, I’d like to talk about situations where the recruiter or hiring manager is more likely to reschedule your interview.
If you have a legitimate reason to reschedule in the eyes of the recruiter or hiring manager and that person understands your reason (and would likely take the same action if the roles were reversed), then it’s fine to ask for them to reschedule.
Keep in mind that the more you delay your interview, the more likely the company is to fill the opening before interviewing you. I’ve had many hiring managers cancel interviews once they find someone they want to hire. So there is an advantage to interviewing sooner rather than later. As the saying goes, time kills all deals.
Valid Reasons for Rescheduling an Interview
Now that we’ve determined that there are reasons that can lead to a successful interview rescheduling, let’s talk about what some of those might be.
Showing up to an interview sick does not impress people. In fact, you may forever be remembered as patient 0 who got the whole office sick. Even if it’s a remote interview, you have to decide if it’s worth it. Minor illnesses may not be a reason to reschedule, but if you are having frequent bathroom visits or can barely talk, rescheduling may be the right answer.
One mistake I see people make when rescheduling because of an illness is to tell the interviewer that you will reach out when you’re better. Don’t do this unless you’re severely sick. Go ahead and set something up for a few days from now or next week depending on how sick you are. You can always try to reschedule it again if you’re still too sick to interview.
If you push it off without a date/time commitment, I can tell you from personal recruiting experience, that there’s a high probability you won’t reconnect and you’ll get lost in the sea of applicants again.
Ok, this isn’t a great excuse to reschedule an interview, but things do happen. If you wake up and your car won’t start or you are met with a flat tire, these are considered legitimate reasons for most hiring teams I’ve worked with. The important thing is to communicate that this is a one-off situation, not a regular occurrence.
If you have a virtual scheduled interview, things like internet outages or power outages may make it impossible for you to interview. It’s not like you can conduct your interview in the library computer room. If you need to drive to a library to message the employer, do so, but it’s probably best to reschedule your interview.
This seems obvious, but with the rise of remote work, you have to remember that the interviewer may not know what your local weather is like. I had a candidate reschedule an interview last year because a tropical storm was making landfall and he had to secure his house and evacuate. I had no idea until he told me.
It may be prudent to reschedule an interview if it’s too dangerous to drive as well. Most people don’t want you to be driving in an ice storm.
This should be reserved for true emergencies like your child is being rushed to the ER type of family emergency or you had a fender bender on the way to the interview and now you have to deal with that - a real car troubles emergency. Remember, the key to using any of these reasons successfully is that the other person would also reschedule if they were in your shoes.
If you’re currently working, the majority of us probably aren’t sharing with our boss that we’re looking for a new job. Your boss could spring a surprise meeting on you during your interview time. Even if you take the full day off, work emergencies can happen and you may be called in to help with something - especially if you’re in a management-level job.
Most hiring teams I’ve worked with understand this and are willing to be flexible.
Job Offers
Many people think rescheduling means pushing an interview date out farther on the calendar, but sometimes you should reschedule it sooner. If another company gives you a job offer, but you’re still interested in another company, you may want to reach out and see if they can reschedule your interview sooner.
Child Care
This is a wild card on my list of legitimate reasons to reschedule. You won’t know whether the hiring team has children or not, but if they do, they’re more likely to understand and help you reschedule when childcare falls through. I’ve seen all kinds of things happen from daycares experiencing a power outage and closing for the day to your nanny calling in sick.
The important thing when rescheduling due to child care is to make it clear that this is a rare circumstance that hardly ever happens. If it’s never happened to you before, you can even say that.
Bad Reasons to Reschedule an Interview
I’ve also seen many people try to reschedule interviews for these reasons and it usually doesn’t work out. Here they are.
You overslept. Read I overslept and missed a job interview, what do I do now?
You ran into bad traffic. (You should’ve planned for traffic)
You haven’t prepared for the interview yet. (Failure to plan on your part does not constitute a reason for others to be flexible)
Your suit isn’t fit or dry cleaned yet. (Again, failure to plan)
You have a non-emergency scheduling conflict. (People prioritize what matters most to them)
What If You Don’t Have a Legitimate Reason
Maybe you overslept or you didn’t plan as well as you should have. I will say two things.
First, you can try asking them to reschedule without giving a specific reason. “I’m so sorry, but I’ve had something come up at the last minute that I cannot reschedule. Would it be possible to reschedule our interview…”
Second, whatever you do, don’t lie and come up with an excuse. The truth usually comes out sooner or later or people suspect that you’re not being 100% honest with them and this will come back to haunt you later.
I know many managers who value candor and as you’ll see in my oversleeping article, I suggest being honest with them (in an appropriate way that mitigates the fallout).
How to Ask to Reschedule an Interview
Have a Legitimate Reason
If you reversed the roles and you were the manager, would you view this reason as legitimate? Would you also reschedule if the roles were reversed? If so, you’ve got a good shot at making this work for you.
Be OK with Knowing They May Not Reschedule
No one owes you anything. You have to be ok with the fact that they may not reschedule your interview. Be gracious in your communications knowing that you are also inconveniencing someone else.
Contact the Employer ASAP
As soon as you realize that you cannot make the interview, call, text, and email your contacts at the company. I would call your main contact, the person who has been coordinating the interview. I would then also send an email to all parties affected regardless of whether you connected with your primary contact or not. This will show professionalism and prevent anyone from being surprised because messages didn’t flow through the grapevine fast enough.
If you can’t reach your primary contact by phone, I would leave a voicemail and then email them. There’s a good chance that they won’t answer the phone when you call. Afterall, answering phones isn’t their only job.
Explain Your Reason Concisely
This is where I see people struggle. They either share too little information or too much.
People need to understand that you’re asking for something that makes sense and they need to be able to empathize with your situation. That’s why I think the advice to not give a reason is wrong. In the absence of a sound reason, most people tend to assume the worst and view you as flaky.
At the same time, you don’t want to be overly detailed with long, drawn-out stories or talking in circles. This will make you look suspicious and create distrust. Boy, human beings are complicated, aren’t they?
Combine Empathy and Interest
If you want this to work you need to be apologetic and polite. You need to empathize with the other person, knowing that you are inconveniencing them - and possibly even affecting their business depending on the job and the urgency.
Make sure that you reiterate your interest in the job as well. Sincerity will go a long way for you.
Be Flexible and Offer New Times
If you are going to reschedule, you should be prepared to be extra flexible on the dates and times. If your calendar allows for it, you may just give them an open-ended invitation to reschedule anytime. This typically works when we’re unemployed. Let the interviewer know that you will make yourself available at their earliest convenience.
That doesn’t work so well if you already have a job and other commitments. Instead, let them know you are flexible, but also offer up some times that work for you to minimize the back and forth.
I’ve also seen job hunters set up an online calendar and give a link to the recruiter or manager so they can see in real-time when they are available. This makes things even easier when they can view your calendar. Just make sure you have plenty of availability on that calendar or this will backfire.
The bottom line is that you should be willing to meet with them at their most convenient time whenever possible. People make time for what’s important to them. Show them that this job interview is important to you.
Thank Them When They Agree to Reschedule
If they reschedule, confirm the date and time, and don’t forget to say thank you for the opportunity to interview. They don’t have to reschedule, so when they do, be appreciative.
Put it On Your Calendar
Lastly, after you’ve confirmed the date and time, add the new interview time to your calendar. Set a reminder as well and make sure you have a plan to prepare.
The Key to Increasing Your Odds of Rescheduling
Here are the most important things you need to do to increase the likelihood that the other person will agree to reschedule your interview.
Connect with the person about the reason so they can empathize with your situation and understand that it’s a legitimate reason to reschedule.
Make sure the person knows that this is a once-in-a-lifetime situation and this isn’t a recurring thing that happens. You are dependable.
Show appreciation, reiterate your interest, and sincerely apologize for inconveniencing them.
Reschedule Interview Email Template
I like to make my emails more personal and less stuffy compared to other templates you find out there. I like to sound like a human, not a DMV agent or a chatbot. If that’s you, then this may be a good template for you to use.
Subject: Interview Reschedule | [Original Interview Date]
[Contact First Name],
I’m writing because [briefly explain your reason] and I need to reschedule our interview on [Date, Time]. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and please know this was unavoidable on my part.
I am sincerely interested in the [position] at [company] and am still very excited to meet with you and the hiring team to learn more about this role and share how my background may be an asset to your company.
Would it please be possible to reschedule our interview at your earliest convenience? Please let me know what day and time work best for you and I will do my best to clear my calendar to make it happen. I’m also including my availability for the next week below in case that makes things easier.
[Days and times of availability]
I appreciate your flexibility and understanding and I very much look forward to meeting you as soon as our calendars permit.
[Your Name]
How to Use AI to Write an Email to Reschedule an Interview
There have been some really cool AI tools released in the past few years for job seekers. One of those tools is Huntr. Within this AI application, you can draft a custom email to reschedule an interview. Here’s how you can use it.
When you create an account, select all AI tools, then the option to create an email to reschedule an interview. It will prompt you to enter your reason. I tried their suggested reasons and I also used some very specific reasons such as “hurricane”.
Then all you have to do is push the button to generate and it will create a custom email based on your reason. I tried it with multiple reasons and no two emails were exactly the same.
From there I made some minor adjustments so it sounded like I would talk and within 30 seconds, I had an email I could send.
Interview Rescheduling Email Examples
Here are some additional examples of what an email could look like when asking the interviewer to reschedule. Use these to inspire your own emails.
Illness Email Example
Subject: Reschedule Request | Monday, June 15
I’m writing because I’ve come down with flu-like symptoms early this morning and I need to reschedule our interview for Monday, June 15. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and believe me, I would much rather be interviewing with you tomorrow than dealing with this illness.
I am very much interested in meeting with you to discuss the Project Manager job at Cadalax and how my background may be an asset to your company.
Would it please be possible to reschedule our interview for Wednesday or later at your earliest convenience? Please let me know what date and time work best for you and I will clear my calendar so that we can meet.
I appreciate your understanding and I look forward to meeting you as soon as possible.
Sick Cole
Flat Tire Email Example
Subject: Reschedule Request | Today at 11:00 am
I’m writing because as I was about to leave for our interview this morning I realized that my car has a flat tire. It appears I unknowingly ran over a nail at some point yesterday and I need to reschedule our interview for today.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and please know that this was unavoidable on my part. I expect to be finished at the tire repair shop by 11:00 this morning and I will accommodate any time that works for you later today or on another day if that is better.
I’m sincerely interested in learning more about the sales development role at Barndarn and sharing parts of my background that I think will be an asset to your department.
I have the remainder of today off and I’m also including my availability for the rest of the week below in case this makes it easier for you. Please let me know what date and time work best for you and I’ll be there.
Cole’s Availability
Tuesday - 9 am to noon
Wednesday - 10 am to 2 pm
Friday - all-day
Thank you for understanding and I look forward to meeting you soon.
Flat Tire Cole
Technology Email Example
Subject: Request to Reschedule Interview | Today at 11:00
I’m writing because I’ve lost power at my house and I’m not sure it will be back on before our interview in two hours. I can try to use my smartphone for the interview, but the connection isn’t always the strongest without wifi and I think it’s best to reschedule.
I apologize for the inconvenience this causes you. Would it be possible to reschedule our interview at your earliest convenience? Please let me know what day and time works best for you and I will clear my calendar. The only time block that I cannot make is this Wednesday from 9 am to noon as I have a board presentation at my current employer which I must attend.
I truly appreciate your understanding and flexibility in this matter and very much look forward to meeting you and the team.
No Power Cole
Job Offer Email Example
Subject: Reschedule Request | Friday, June 25
I’m writing to see if we can move up our interview date sooner than this Friday. I was just contacted by another company who extended a job offer to me but I am still very interested in your senior accountant opening.
I would very much like to learn more about your opening and company before making a decision because it’s very important to me that I accept a role with a company where I can best utilize my expertise and I do still believe that could be your organization.
I can make myself available at any time after 2 pm this week. Please let me know if it’s possible to reschedule our interview and meet sooner.
Thank you,
Job Offer Cole
How to Reschedule an Interview Recommended Reading
Cole Sperry has been a recruiter and resume writer since 2015, working with tens of thousands of job seekers, and hundreds of employers. Today Cole runs a boutique advisory firm consulting with dozens of recruiting firms and is the Managing Editor at