Professional Resume Help

Resume assistance for every budget and every stage of your career

Professional Resume Writing Services

Complete resume rewrites by people I trust. Depending on your budget, industry, and goals, I can connect you with the right resume writer.

pricing starting from $189

Resume Review

I will review your resume live on a 30-minute call, walking you through specific revisions to land a specific job target. I will add comments to a Google Doc version of your resume so you can make changes later.

pricing $75

Recent 2025 Customer Comments

Jessica W, Program Manager

Landed Target Job Interview 7 Days After Her New Resume Was Finished

Hey Cole!

I secured my first interview for Program Manager, Vertical Enablement at Shopify! The interview is on Friday morning. I would love to chat about ways to prepare for the interview.



Gelene C, Mortgage Specialist

Landed Target Job Interview 6 Days After Her New Resume Was Finished

Hi Cole,

I hope you’re doing well.  I have a panel interview this Thursday with HSBC.


Jennifer S, Accounting

Landed Target Job Interview 10 Days After Her New Resume Was Finished

Hi Cole,

I just wanted to say your support has been just what I needed.

Your help with my resume combined with the seasonality like you predicted have resulted in several strong startup opportunities for me. 

Thank you so much - if there's anything I can do to help (i.e. review your services?) please do let me know.

In Gratitude,
