Hey There! I’m Cole Sperry

I help people find new jobs and make challenging job transitions.

Aside from making 5 career changes myself and leading recruiting teams, I know a lot about two things:

  1. how to get the right people to want to talk to you (and possibly hire you).

  2. how to read in between the lines to figure out what’s really going on behind the scenes of hiring and at your job.

In 2002, I got promoted to my first management role. I had to figure a lot of things out fast with no training.

A few years later, I lost my job for the first time. After hours of blasting Times Like These in my Grand Prix, I picked myself back up and realized I never wanted to be in a position like this again.

I decided I was going to figure out how to change careers. I ended up making several career changes including:

  • Hospitality

  • Teaching

  • Sales

  • Marketing

  • Recruiting

And in 2014, I took all that combined experience and landed my first recruiting job. Today, I run a small consulting business that advises small and medium size recruiting companies.

Over the years I’ve worked with 1,000s of hiring managers and tens of thousands of job seekers.

You name the job, I’ve probably recruited for it, prepped people for interviews, and helped them write resumes.

But after ten years of recruiting, I realized something. Helping other professionals change jobs and build fulfilling careers makes my pulse race (like a good jog).

So I stopped taking on new recruiting clients to teach and mentor job seekers on how to build a career that fit their needs (and make some fun job transitions along the way).

Because here’s the thing:

My first management job was flipping burgers.


And now? I’ve worked and lived overseas. I’ve been promoted over 8 times in 5 years. I’ve moved into five different industries doing 5 different jobs because I wanted to. I’ve sat on executive committees. I’ve toured some of the coolest business operations in the country. And I’ve built a work-life that gives me all the time I want with my kids and to play in my garden.

So whatever you’re struggling with in your career or finding a job that fits your life… I promise you can do it.

You just need to know what’s going on behind the scenes of hiring, know what your boss might be thinking, know how to approach situations, and have a method you can follow. That’s what I want to give you.