I Make Job Searching Easier

Yep. Even for you.

That little $9 job searching membership making big waves by helping people understand how hiring works behind the scenes. For a price you won’t believe.

Ugh Job Searching

Overqualified, underqualified is oh-so annoying. It’s easier to solve a complex mathematical problem these days.

Looking at your own resume is cringe. You never know what to say + you’re inconsistent af.

Real talk? Networking is something you simply don’t like to do. It just feels icky and time-consuming.

Okay, which one is you?

Actually, it doesn’t matter. Because we are about to change the whole game together, my friend.

You see, as a 10-year recruiter, I actually geek out over resumes, interviewing, and job searching. And I’m here to untangle the job searching knot for you once and for all with Job Search Membership - a job search coaching community that turns your applications and interviews into job offers through consistent and relevant messaging.

Whether you have job offers or not right now, with this membership, you’re about to start making the right connections, speaking the right language to hiring managers, and start a new job that pays you what you deserve.

What Our Members Are Saying

What’s Inside Job Search Membership

A Recruiter On Call

Use the Ask Cole A Question feature to get 24-hour advice on anything job search or career-related from Cole. You can even search questions I’ve previously answered for others and get instant answers.

[$99 per month value]

Member Only Premium Guides Library

Don’t know where to start? Hop over to the Resource Center and access over 150 guides and articles about topics ranging from resumes, cover letters, finding jobs, interviews, networking, salary negotiation, and dealing with rejection and uncertainty.

[$20 per guide value]

Discounted Private Mastermind Calls

Ready to have an expert deep dive into your job search problems, write a resume, and help you stay accountable? This is where the real “meat” of the community comes into play as you do private calls with Cole Sperry, Optim’s Managing Editor and 20-year recruiter and hiring manager.

[$100 per call savings]

Guest Expert Sessions

At least once a quarter, an outside expert comes in to teach us something job search-related. These are live and you can also submit questions ahead of time.

Examples include writing resumes, finding suitable job opportunities, networking, competing for highly competitive jobs, interviewing, negotiating salary, and more.

[$250+ value]

Hey There! Cole Here.

“This is the best freaking $9 you’ve ever spent in your life.

Some call me a job search thought leader because I push the boundaries of what is possible in the recruitment world.

I started my professional career back in 2002 with no clue. #toddler

For years I worked through job transitions including teaching, hospitality, sales, marketing, operations, and eventually landing in recruiting in 2014.

Most people create courses and services and say, “This is the course I wish I would have had back in the day.”

Well, there is lots of good job search stuff out there already.

So I created this membership for THE PRICE I wish THEY had back in the day.

Writing resumes, networking, and interviewing better literally changed my life. It’s helped me break out of the paycheck to paycheck cycle and into a whole new world - doubling my income year over year for 3 years in a row at one point.

I know in my bones it can help you rise above whatever circumstances you’ve got going on too.

You Might Be Thinking…

Aka: the FAQ portion of this page

  • Like I mentioned a few sections above, learning to job search changed my life completely (yes, it is a skill). When I realized that if I wrote a certain way, talked a certain way, and understood why things were happening, I could jump jobs and double my income in a year??? I was hooked.

    I know not everyone is going to geek out like I did initially. But I want everyone to experience the career they want. So I ran the numbers for my business and set the lowest price I could for profit. Then I packed as much value into the offer as possible so you can’t help but say “Heck, why not?”

    So basically it’s $9, not because there’s nothing of substance inside, but because I know job search skills seem complicated and confusing for a lot of folks.

    So I want to make it an easy one for both of us. Boom. $9.

    Inside you’ll find foundational trainings if you just need help get started, weekly calls for your questions, and even

  • In the words of one of our members…

    “So many coaches share generic advice. I’m so tired of seeing examples that don’t apply to me or my situation. I was really happy to see how Cole explains why something will work or why it won’t and then help me decide which advice applies to me.”

    I know it’s hard to believe. Probably because it’s never really been done before… but yes. Job Search Membership will work for you.

    To be frank, I quickly climbed the career ladder and made strategic job transitions partially because I joined a coaching program for thousands of dollars that shared mostly things you can find for free on the internet and that still pisses me off. Even after being promoted to a hiring manager, I still had to painfully figure out job searching, much of it the opposite of this person’s advice, and seeing better results.

    I knew there was a HUGE audience of people being misguided and left out of hiring discussions. That’s why Optim Careers was born in 2020 and where Job Search Membership comes in to create resumes that actually freaking work for your industry, identify jobs without spending hours searching, and so much more.

    Whether you are in IT, retail, sales, marketing, whatever!

    In fact, you can email me at hello@optimcareers.com and I’ll send you a free guide. That way you can decide for yourself if I know what I’m talking about.

  • While most of my articles are free, the really good stuff is in-depth step-by-step guides that cover everything on a particular topic such as networking or resume writing.

    They’re easy to read, filled with examples and formulas to make it easy for you to understand. And I’ll explain why I’m suggesting to do something so you can make sure it’s worth your time and effort before you do it.

    Plus there are templates for many things so you can fill in your details and avoid recreating the wheel from scratch.

    Everything is indexed for you so you can find whatever you need in less than 10 seconds.

  • I don’t care who you are, what you do, or what level you are, if you want to make more money, start more conversations, and not be at the mercy of chance, then this is for you.

    I know you’re smart and will eventually figure out something that works.

    I know you’ve got a lot of balls in the air.

    I know others are selling you magic juice that will get you results fast.

    But I also know that what you learn here will improve skills that you’ll use for the rest of your life.

    And this membership is going to take you from where you are right now, to where you want to be.

    That’s why it exists. Let me do some of the heavy lifting for you.

  • No problem! You can contact our support team at hello@optimcareers.com anytIme.

My turn to ask a question…

Ready to finally make sense of your job search, write a resume that managers want to read, and improve your cash situation?

Then let’s do it! Sign up for just $9/month, my friend.