Best Excuse to Quit a Job Without Notice [How to Do It Right]
Many of us have dreamed about sticking it to our boss in TV drama fashion with a loud “I Quit!” But we know that’s probably not the best thing to do in most circumstances. Instead, most of us bear out our final two weeks and give notice to our employer knowing that it wouldn’t be reciprocated if the positions were changed.
But what about if you don’t want to give a two-week notice? Maybe our boss is a toxic, fill in the blank here. Or maybe you have another job that won’t wait. Whatever it is, let’s try to exit with grace even if we don’t give notice to our current employer.
In this article, we’ll explore:
How to decide whether to leave a job without notice.
How to quit without notice doing the least amount of damage to our future career prospects.
The best excuses I’ve ever heard when someone quits without notice.
And we’ll finish with some related questions I have received about this topic.
Let’s dive in.
How to Decide Whether to Leave a Job Without Notice
Quitting without notice should never be taken lightly. In a recent poll, only 32% of respondents have ever quit without notice, and for good reason. There is a double standard out there. Employers will lay off employees with no notice, but employees are typically expected to give notice. No matter how we feel about that, we need to make the best decisions for us and our professional futures.
Here are some things to consider when deciding whether you will give your employer any notice before quitting. Remember, all actions have consequences. Some of the good and some of the bad.
Professional Reputation
What is the negative damage that could be done if you quit without notice? Some industries are more tight-knit than others, meaning everyone knows everyone. And people talk. Furthermore, if you’ve done this several times before, continuing to do so could damage your reputation.
Rehire Opportunity
There are a lot of good reasons for leaving a job, but that doesn’t mean that you may never want to work there again. It is very common practice when someone quits without notice, they are often not rehireable at that company for any future roles. That may not be a big deal to you. But for someone in a small town where there are only a few major employers, it’s something you should consider.
Mental Health
Can you continue to work at your company? Can your personal health, both physical and mental, continue to do the type of work you are doing with the type of people you are working with? For some of us, we have great colleagues and supervisors, but the work is too stressful. Others are in a toxic environment. No matter the situation, you should factor in the impact on your health. Sometimes relieving stress is the best thing even at the risk of your reputation.
While it may not be fun searching for another job after your reputation has taken a hit, it will be less fun if you don’t leave in some situations. If there is a family emergency that requires your attention, sometimes leaving without notice is the best thing to do. When it’s all said and done and we leave this earth, no one will care about your reputation in the workforce. Your family and friends will care about how you treated them though. Some things are just worth it.
Your Health
You are no good to anyone if you are not healthy. If you don’t take care of yourself, your work will suffer as will your relationships. For some of us, this may warrant quitting without notice. If you’ve let things go too far and you’re experiencing severe health issues, sometimes quitting is the right answer.
Do you need references from this job? If you do, quitting without notice may prevent you from getting them. Most hiring teams will vet references before they hire you and they’ll want recent references from supervisors and colleagues. If you don’t have those from another source, you may want to stick it out and give a notice.
All 50 states have at-will employment with the exception of Montana which limits employers from firing people for any cause during probationary periods (Montana Dept of Labor). This means that your employer can fire you for any reason at any time and you can quit at any time for any reason. However, there are a few exceptions that may change your employment status from at-will:
Unionized jobs
Contract work
Employment contracts (usually at the executive level)
In some of these limited cases, you may be legally required to give notice to your employer. If you have any type of employment contract, be sure to check it first before quitting.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is this. Can you sleep at night knowing that you quit without notice and what that may mean for your short-term and long-term future? If the answer is yes, then do it.
How to Quit Without Notice
So you’ve weighed out the options above and decided it’s time to leave this job today. Here’s how to do it.
Be Fair
Do what you can to be fair to everyone involved. That includes your supervisor, colleagues, and yourself. While you and you alone are responsible for doing what is best for you and your future, be considerate of others whenever possible. The golden rule is the golden rule for a reason. Treat others how you would want to be treated.
Communicate Clearly
Be respectful and professional when communicating your decision to leave, but also communicate clearly. There should be no doubt about when your last day is - even if that is today.
Take the High Ground
While you may not feel that your employer deserves any courtesy (and maybe they don’t), take the high ground. If someone else read your resignation letter, would you appear to be the professional one with a legitimate reason for leaving?
Offer to Help
This isn’t always possible and sometimes it’s even inadvisable. But if it's possible to help with the transition in any form, do so. That may simply be making a status update so someone else can take over your work or it could be consulting on the side to help them transfer knowledge. But be aware of the toll helping could take on you.
I once had a new hire who agreed to help her old employer part-time on a consulting basis until they could find her replacement. The old employer took advantage of the situation and never found a replacement. Three months later she found herself burnt out and working two jobs.
Know Your Obligations
Whether giving notice or not, you should always know your obligations to the employer before quitting. If you signed a non-compete or have an employment contract, you need to understand what is in those documents.
If you don’t have a job lined up and you plan to collect unemployment benefits, know what the rules are. In some states, quitting a job can mean you won’t receive your benefits. If you’re leaving for a just cause, have documentation to support your claim.
Collect What Is Owed to You
Know the law, know when you’ll be paid, and know your benefit options. In some states like California, employers are required to give you your final paycheck as soon as you tender your resignation (California Dept of Industrial Relations). Know who your contact will be in human resources for paychecks and benefits. It is illegal for an employer to withhold pay that you have already earned.
Attend the Exit Interview
If your employer requests an exit interview, make every attempt to attend it. You can provide candid and helpful feedback to an HR representative that may help someone else and lead to changes. Be warned that they may also just be checking off boxes to say they conducted one and they may not actually want your feedback. Either way, if they ask, offer it.
Tell Your Boss First
In most situations, it’s best to tell your immediate supervisor first. They are the person that will have to pick up the pieces after you leave. It is courteous to tell them first.
Your boss is also most likely the best person you could use as a reference for future jobs. Be nice to them.
Sometimes a supervisor may try to change your mind. Be prepared to discuss your decision and stand behind it.
Resign in Person Followed by an Email
This is going to be a tough conversation, but in most situations (unless you are being threatened or harassed for example), it’s the right thing to do. If you can’t do it in person, do it via phone. This gives your manager the chance to hear your tone and possibly understand why you have made this decision. It will also increase the odds that they don’t hold it against you later.
Once you’ve delivered the news, send a resignation letter via email so you and the employer have documentation of exactly what was communicated.
Don’t Assign Blame
Keep your resignation letter (and conversations) factual and grounded. Don’t mention others by name. You want them to focus on your resignation, not other people and grievances. If you’ve gotten to this point, you’ve already tried to fix the situation. This isn’t about fixing anything. It’s about resigning.
Express Gratitude
This isn’t always easy to do, but no matter the situation there was probably something you learned or someone that helped you advance your skills. Find something and thank them for it.
In most cases, it’s not all bad. It’s just mostly bad, which is why you’re quitting. In other cases, nothing is wrong with your work. Something outside of work may be prompting your decision to leave abruptly. Express gratitude whenever possible.
Be Brief
Your resignation letter shouldn’t be a novel. The point isn’t to air all your grievances. While it may feel good for a moment to stick it to them, it won’t help you long-term. Stick to the facts and keep it short.
Plan to Return Company Property
Make sure you discuss how the company wants their property returned. If you’re working on-site, you can most likely pack up anything you have and bring it with you when you tender your resignation in person. If you work remotely, ask them how they would like you to return items.
Get Phone Numbers
If you know you’re going to leave soon, get phone numbers from colleagues who you want to stay in touch with. Find each other on social media as well. Do it in a way that doesn’t scream you’re quitting.
Write a Resignation Letter
Put it all in writing. If you deliver the news in person, you can hand them a printed copy. Even if you do that, also email your boss a copy when you get home. If you tender your resignation over the phone, email it as soon as you’re done. Let your supervisor know in both situations that you’ll email them a copy of your resignation once you leave.
Best Excuses to Quit a Job Without Notice and Resignation Letter Examples
If you have a serious personal health issue, most people will find it acceptable to quit without notice. Stress can exacerbate any health issue and many jobs come with a great deal of stress. In this situation, I’ve found it’s best to be candid with your reasoning. You might say something like this.
I’m writing to inform you that I will be resigning from my position effective immediately. This was a difficult decision for me. I’ve absolutely loved working with you and the team and I have learned so much. Sadly, as you already know, I’ve been having (health issue) and at the advice of my doctor, I’ve decided it is time to take a break and focus on my recovery.
While I don’t think it’s in my best interest health-wise to continue working for another two weeks, if there is anything I can do over the next couple of days to transfer knowledge and make this transition any easier for you, I will do what I can.
Sometimes it’s a family member that needs your support. Whether a death in the family, a sudden illness, or another sensitive matter that needs your attention, most people understand when you are required to leave early for the sake of someone else close to you. You could write your resignation like this.
I regret to inform you that my father has become terminally ill with (illness) and I’ve decided that I need to be home with him as a caretaker. Sadly, I will be resigning my position effective at the end of today due to this matter requiring my immediate attention.
I want you to know how grateful I have been for this opportunity and your leadership over the past few years. I have enjoyed my time here and learned so much.
While I understand that this sudden notice may cause an inconvenience for you, I will do anything I can to mitigate the disruption it may cause. Please let me know if there is anything you need from me before I leave today that will help transfer information on projects and make things easier for you.
I’ll always be rooting for you and the team and I sincerely hope our paths cross again.
Toxic Work Environment
If your physical or emotional well-being is at risk, quitting without notice may be the answer. No one thrives in a hostile work environment or an unsafe work environment.
While there’s no real good way to do this without burning bridges, you can try to leave as gracefully as possible. You could frame your resignation like this.
I’m writing to inform you that I am resigning my position effective immediately. This decision was not an easy one to make, but I feel that recent events have left me with no choice but to resign.
I have tried to raise my concerns about (environmental factor) and I feel that no progress has been made to alleviate those concerns. This has started to affect my work and overall mental health.
I want to thank you for the opportunity to work with you and I do appreciate the support you have provided; however, I cannot continue to work in this type of environment and I hope you understand my reason for resigning.
I’m willing to help hand over my work to another team member. Simply let me know how I can best do this.
Difference of Opinions
There may be a time when you are asked to do something that you don’t feel comfortable doing or that you believe to be a bad business practice. While one may not lead you to resign, several of these situations may. If you’ve tried to voice your concerns before quitting and it has fallen on deaf ears, you may be led to resign. If it’s a matter that is an ethical concern, you may be led to resign without notice.
Here is an example of what this resignation letter may look like.
As you know, I’ve been wrestling with multiple differences of opinion on our current business decisions and I’ve made the decision to resign my position effective immediately.
It’s no secret that we haven’t seen eye to eye on the future direction of the department and while I wish you the best, I don’t feel that I am well-suited to be a part of these decisions.
I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of what we have built at (company) and I’ll always be rooting for your success. Please let me know how best to help you transition my work to another team member and I’ll make every accommodation to do so.
I’m happy to discuss more details about my decision to leave, but please understand that my decision is final. Thank you for understanding.
Better Job
Most decent employers will respect your willingness to give notice to your current employer and they will wait for you. However, there are situations where they may not be able to. They may have an urgent need to fill a vacant opening and as part of the deal, they will need you to start ASAP. Hopefully, they were upfront about this from the beginning and you’re not caught off guard.
And a better job doesn’t always mean more money either. Sometimes better jobs are less money, but more advancement opportunities, a better work environment, or better benefits. Here is what a resignation letter may look like in this situation.
While I have greatly enjoyed my time working with you these past few years, I regret to inform you that I am resigning my position effective immediately. I have been offered a new role as a (position) and it was simply an opportunity that I could not turn down.
Part of accepting the role required me to start immediately this Friday. I understand that this may create a void on the team and I’m willing to assist with the transition process in any way possible. I’m happy to discuss some part-time consulting to minimize any disruptions if you think this will help.
Again, I can’t say thank you enough for all the support you’ve given me over the years, and while my resignation is immediate, the team can always reach me on my cell phone with any questions over the next few weeks.
I hope that you understand this is an opportunity that I simply couldn’t turn down.
Perhaps your spouse got a job in a new city or you’ve decided to move for any reason at all. Relocating doesn’t have to be moving to a new city either. Where I live, relocating a few miles could add a lot of time to your commute. In this case, you could ask to work remotely or in a hybrid capacity, but that may not always be an option.
Moving is rough on anyone no matter how far you’re relocating. You may need time to pack and get things in order to make the move. You may have to quit your job with little to no notice. Here is what resigning may look like in this situation.
I’m writing because I will no longer be able to continue working with (company). My wife’s job is moving us to (city) and requires us to relocate quickly. Due to this, I am resigning from my position effective this Friday.
I can’t say thank you enough for the opportunity to work here. I’ve gained many skills from this position and through your mentorship.
I know my departure may cause inconveniences for the team and I want you to know that I am committed to doing everything in my power to help make a seamless transfer of my responsibilities. Please let me know how I can help in the remaining days.
Thank you for understanding and please feel free to call me anytime with questions.
When you see layoffs occurring at your company, you may be tempted to start a new job search out of concern that you could be next. If there’s one thing my career has taught me, it’s that all jobs are temporary no matter the level. Layoffs are a normal part of most companies.
While this may not be a great reason in itself to leave without notice, it is an opportunity you could seize if right for your situation. Here is how you could frame your resignation.
I’m saddened to inform you that I will be resigning my position immediately. With the multiple rounds of layoffs these past few months, it has been challenging to keep up morale and my productivity. While I still believe in the company’s mission, I would be remiss to say that the layoffs haven’t impacted me.
Rather than continue to work in this environment, I’ve made the difficult decision to leave. I know the company is looking for every way to conserve cash flow and increase profitability and I truly believe that my leaving is for the benefit of both of us.
If there is anything I can do to facilitate the transfer of information today, please let me know. I am committed to making the transition as seamless as possible.
Temporary Jobs
Everyone understands that temp jobs are just that - temporary. If you are working a temporary job while you job search and find a permanent, full-time role where another company will hire you directly, it may make sense to quit your temporary job without notice if the other job will not wait for you to give notice. Everyone views temp jobs differently. Your new employer may not understand if you want to give a temp job a 2-week notice.
Keep in mind that you could harm your future relationship with the staffing agency you are working for. Should you need another temporary job later, that agency may be less willing to place you at one of their clients. That said, if you have a regular job offer and can’t give notice, it may be worth it to just quit. Here’s how you could resign.
I want to thank you for placing me at (company). This opportunity came when I really needed it. However, because it is temporary and there’s no certainty that they will hire me at the end of the term, I’ve continued to look for permanent jobs as you know.
Today I was given a job offer that I couldn’t turn down and it starts this Monday. Because of that, I will be resigning from my temporary job with your company effective immediately.
I hope you understand. I would love to refer some other (position) people who may be able to fill my shoes in the temporary role if you think that would be helpful.
I really appreciate the opportunity to work with your client and if my new company ever has staffing needs, I will be sure to recommend you.
Schedule Changes
Sometimes things change. We may be working one schedule and all of a sudden our employer wants us to work a different schedule. Or maybe you lost your child care and now need to leave earlier to pick up your kids from school and your job won’t allow you to do so. For some of us, we are working two jobs and one job has a schedule change that won’t accommodate the other.
Whatever the reason, scheduling conflicts happen as business needs and our personal lives change. This is a reason that may cause you to quit without notice. Here’s how you can do so.
I regret to inform you that today will be my last day with (company). Unfortunately, my kid’s schedule has changed and I can no longer work the hours that I have been. I know we’ve discussed this already and I understand that the company cannot accommodate my request to work earlier and leave earlier.
Because of this, I will have to resign my position effective immediately. I’ve very much appreciated the opportunity to work with you and the team these past few months and if there is anything I can do today to make the transition more seamless, I will do everything I can.
I sincerely wish you and the team great success in the future. You really have a great organization.
Job Isn’t What It Was Sold As
Many of us have started a job under grand illusions that were sold to us during the interview process. Within a few months, it quickly became apparent that the job was not what we were told it was. We’ve been catfished and the job is totally different. In some cases, we may decide that it’s best to cut our losses and leave. Here’s how you could resign in this situation.
I want to thank you for the opportunity to join (company); however, the job is very different from what I expected during the interviews. I understand that business needs change all the time and you may need someone different than when I was originally hired.
While I can do the job, I am worried about the long-term effect of not using my project management skills as I was in previous roles. Because of this, I have decided that today will be my last day with (company).
I will do everything I can to transfer information about my tasks to other team members. Also, please let me know if there is anything else I can do to make the transition smoother before I leave. I want you to know I’m committed to making this as seamless as possible for you and the team.
Again, thank you for the opportunity and I hope you understand why I’ve made this decision.
Roles That Terminate After Notice
Some jobs are well known for walking employees out the door immediately after they’ve given notice. I’ve seen this happen in many B2B sales roles for example. In some organizations, they don’t want you to finish any type of notice because they are worried about you having access to their confidential data once they know you’re on your way out the door.
I assume this is out of fear that you will take the information to a competitor or something similar. But I’m only speculating. In these cases, it is customary not to give a notice. If you’re unsure it’s usually best to give a notice and be prepared. If other people have quit before you, pay attention to what happens when they quit.
Severe burnout can lead to mental and physical stress, illness, depression, weight issues, and more. Stress causes a lot of damage to our bodies and burnout is a major cause (Mayo Clinic). Because of this, quitting without notice may be the right thing to do.
Keep in mind I’m not referencing temporary situational burnout like accountants doing month-end close. Rather I’m referencing long-term sustained burnout due to workload and lack of support.
Can You Just Stop Going to Work and Quit
Yes, you can. Most employers have policies about employees who don’t show up for a certain number of consecutive days and mark them as voluntarily quitting. But just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should. You’re basically ghosting the employer and it is the worst way to leave a job. You may also sacrifice any unemployment benefits that you may otherwise be entitled to.
Best Excuse to Quit a Job Without Notice Recommended Reading
Two Week Notice Letter Template & Examples
When your favorite coworker leaves, process what you should do next.
Cole Sperry has been a recruiter and resume writer since 2015, working with tens of thousands of job seekers, and hundreds of employers. Today Cole runs a boutique advisory firm consulting with dozens of recruiting firms and is the Managing Editor at