5 Mistakes People Make In An Interview

We bet you did number three in your last interview

You’re the best at the job, but people don’t hire the best person for the job. They hire the person who can communicate value the clearest.


We've all been there, interview after interview. Rejection email after email. Or worse, no response at all. We start doubting ourselves and wondering if we're really as good as we thought we were at our line of work.

I saw it all the time in my decade-long recruiting career. Great people being overlooked because they didn't know how to navigate the interview process. After all, interviewing isn't the skill you're being hired for, but unfortunately, it is a skill you need to get hired.

That's why I turned career coach and started Optim Careers during the pandemic recession - to help people like you land rewarding jobs, get paid what they're worth, and feel good about going to work again.

I've helped close to 1,000 people find happiness in a rewarding job. I hope to help you as well.

- Cole | Founder of Optim Careers

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Download the “5 Mistakes People Make In An Interview”

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What Else Can You Expect To Learn Working With A Coach?


Some common interviewing topics we discuss with clients are:

  • The Only 5 Questions You Need To Prepare Before Your Next Interview

  • How To Research A Company, Job, Interviewer, & Salary When You Don’t Have A Lot Of Time

  • How To Craft Your Elevator Pitch And When To Use It

  • How To Dress (Yes, It Matters What You Wear - Down To The Color)

  • Navigating Group Interviews, Zoom Interviews, And Face-To-Face

  • The 50/50 Rule & The 20-2 Rule

  • The Right Questions To Ask That Will Show Your Expertise

  • How To Ask For the Job

  • How To Overcome Handicaps

You Don’t Have to Choose Me, But Here’s Why You Should

After a decade-long career in recruiting and seeing great individuals being passed over time and time again (not because they weren’t the best person for the job, but because they weren’t experts in interviewing), I created Optim Careers to give people like you better odds at landing the job you want.

There’s always the latest gimmick or tactic out there, but Optim Careers is about teaching you the basics. Showing you a handful of tried, true, and tested principles that have worked for thousands of my students.

And without paying $2,000+ for a fancy career coach. I believe everyone should have access to interview and job-search advice, regardless of their position in life.


I had spent a year looking for a new job, but I didn’t have a degree. Cole helped me secure a Controller role at a $200MM company, overseeing all accounting and a staff of seven.
— Wendy | Controller
I had recently graduated with my MBA and had one year of experience as a junior analyst supporting sales. Within the first month of working with Cole, I landed a Senior Financial Analyst role that doubled my salary.
— Roy | Senior Financial Analyst

Recent Success Stories

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Roy | Senior Financial Analyst | Doubled the income of his previous job and landed a new job within 8 weeks

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Kiki | Audit & Assurance Senior | Landed an interview at a Big 4 firm within 8 weeks and had multiple job offers

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Celina | Project Accountant | Advanced her career from AP Specialist to Project Accountant

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Carl | Director of Finance | Had multiple executive level interviews and job opportunities within 8 weeks

Job hunting doesn’t have to take months or years. Don’t settle for any job, find your job!

 What’s Next?


Not sure if a career coach can help you?

Book a free 15-minute coaching call and talk to us. No strings attached. Let’s see if we can help you too!